Monday: WGA/SAG Unity Rally


This was sent yesterday to WGAW members:

Dear WGAW Members,

As you know, we are currently meeting informally with the companies under a news blackout. However, we would like to take this opportunity to urge you to attend this Monday’s WGA-SAG Unity Day picket at Fox Studios in Century City. More info here.

This joint WGA-SAG picket event will once again demonstrate to the entertainment industry, the local community, and nation our continued support, solidarity, and shared commitment between the Writers Guild and the Screen Actors Guild to reach a fair and reasonable deal as soon as possible to put the entire town back to work.

Spotlighting the essential collaboration and mutual interests of both writers and actors, not only to create quality work but define and secure our primary role in the future of entertainment, this WGA-SAG Unity Day reminds us that the core issues currently on the bargaining table are vital and important to all creative artists, including writers, actors, and directors, whether they work in front of or behind the camera.

A good turnout from both Guilds will illustrate our combined strength and solidarity to show that both our memberships stand behind the WGA's collective bargaining goals and our Negotiating Committee.

We invite you to join us this Monday, as we’re all in this together.


Patric M. Verrone
WGAW President

John Bowman
Chair, WGA Negotiating Committee

David Young
WGAW Executive Director & Chief Negotiator

WGA/SAG Unity Day

Monday, January 28, 2008
Fox Studios
10201 West Pico (& Motor)

Picket shifts are 7-10 AM; 10 AM – 1 PM; 1 – 4 PM
*Dual WGA/SAG members are encouraged to attend 12-3 PM shift as available.

Sponsored by the WGA Union Solidarity Committee
and the Women’s Committees of SAG and WGA

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