Bowman: Negotiations Continue, Meeting This Weekend


UPDATE: There will be a WGAw membership meeting on MBA negotiations this Saturday, February 9, at 6:30 PM. Shrine Auditorium, 649 W Jefferson Blvd 90007. Parking at the Shrine will be provided. Members should bring picture ID. Directions to the Shrine here.

The following letter from negotiations chair John Bowman was just sent to WGA members. Clear your weekend calendar, sounds like there will be some news by then. But until then, all we have is speculation. -JA

Dear Fellow Members,

I would like to update you on where we stand with bargaining with the AMPTP. While we have made important progress since the companies re-engaged us in serious talks, negotiations continue. Regardless of what you hear or read, there are many significant points that have yet to be worked out.

In order to keep members abreast of the latest developments, informational meetings are being planned by both Guilds for this weekend – details to be announced. Neither the Negotiating Committee, nor the West Board or the East Council, will take action on the contract until after the membership meetings.

As the talks proceed, never forget that during this period it is critical for us to remain on the picket lines united and strong. We are all in this together.

In Solidarity,

John F. Bowman
Chair, WGA Negotiating Committee

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