Instructions on Voting By Proxy -- With Designated Voters Just For You!


From tonight's captains' bulletin:

To cast your ballot in person: Vote at the Writers Guild Theater, 135 S. Doheny Drive 90211. Tuesday, February 12, 2008 from 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm.

If members can't cast a ballot in person: Proxy ballots are available. To vote by proxy, download this form and fax to 323-421-9177. Proxies must be faxed in by Tuesday February 12, by 2 pm, or dropped off at the WGAW office at 7000 West Third Street by 2 pm. Or you may vote by giving a written proxy to any other WGAW member entitled to vote who will be present at the February 12th vote. For further details and instructions check the proxy form.

To vote YES by proxy: if you wish, you may designate WGAW member Patric Verrone, who is willing to collect and vote proxies for any members who want to vote YES. Patric will vote your proxy at the meeting on Tuesday, February 12.

To vote NO by proxy: if you wish, you may designate either WGAW member David Anthony or WGAW member Christian Trokey. Both of them are willing to collect and vote proxies for any members who want to vote NO. They will vote the proxies at the meeting on Tuesday, February 12.

Results of the vote will be emailed to members and posted on the WGA website on Tuesday night after the votes are tallied.

WGAE Instructions: Membership Vote to End Strike scheduled for Tuesday, February 12th, 4:00pm - 7:00pm, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 1605 Broadway at 49th St., NYC.

(UPDATE added by KP)
If WGAE members are voting by proxy, the should fax their proxy to the attention of Kelly O'Brien at 212-582-1909.

Also, two strike captains in the East have agreed to be proxy voters. You can fill in either Bill Scheft or Susan Kim as your proxy, and they will vote on your behalf. Contact them through email to let them know how you want to vote.

Bill Scheft:

Susan Kim:

Download WGAE Proxy Form (pdf)

Prior to Membership Vote, from 3:00pm to 4:00pm, the WGAE will hold an informational meeting to answer questions on the vote or the tentative agreement. WGAE Leaders will remain available to answer member questions until 5:00pm.

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