Leonard Dick: I'll Give You a Fair Deal


This is an email "House, M.D." strike captain and Canadian Leonard Dick sent to his team today.

Subject: Guild-wide picket Thursday

As the twentieth century rambled into its final decade, this freshly minted MBA landed his first job in Hollywood as a finance executive at Disney. Heeding the lessons garnered at a cost of $60,000 for two years of tuition, room, and board, I invested in myself and purchased a chunk of shares of Disney stock (I also shrewdly bought Philip Morris stock two weeks before the federal courts, for the first time in forty years of class action suits against Big Tobacco, ruled in favor of the plaintiffs to the tune of $300 million).

Though I mothballed my 40-regular suits to become a writer of medical stories of an impeccable verisimilitude, I held on to those shares. I am an owner of Disney. On Thursday, February 6, I come full circle:

I am going to picket myself.

It's kinda poetic. You want a fair deal? I'm going to get you that deal. Because I'm going to get me to give you that deal. Bob Iger works for me. Tomorrow I'm going to march into his office and order him -- that's right, order him -- to give you that deal you've sweated for these last few months

But I need you to fend off the highly trained security guards who will try to assassinate me. Your absence on the picket line tomorrow could have dire consequences. Plus my mother's in town and it would be weird for her to be visiting if I were dead.

It's a Guild-wide picket. Other entertainment unions will be joining us. Info is below.

Picketing Shifts: 8am-3pm (8-11, 10-1, 12-3)
500 S Buena Vista Street
Burbank, California 91521
Parking Option: Neighborhood streets east of Disney (Parkside Dr.)

I will be pulling the 10-1 shift.

Please come. Give my mother's visit purpose.

Skate blades up!

Leonard Dick, Shareholder of The Walt Disney Company

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