Robert J. Elisberg, WGA Member and contributor to The Huffington Post, wrote a piece excerpted here called, "WGA Strike Primer: Settling a Final Debt."

It's not officially over yet, of course. There still is the matter of approving the contract. It's a 10-day process, a blink by strike standards, but long enough. Arguments of all views will be made, we do know that -- these are writers after all, they argue views the way fish get wet. In a matter of days, though, it should all be done. But just the mere thought forces a person to look at what got us here -- regardless of where "here" is at the moment. And for me, one thought leaps out.

The strike captains.

Throughout this process, I have been in awe of the strike captains. To be sure there have been others who have been inexpressibly impressive and deserved the height of appreciation, notably those taking the slings and bludgeons. But I still reserve my awe for the strike captains.

Read the full article here.

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