Support for Deal from Great Britain


The following letter was sent to Charles Slocum of the Guild west and Mona Mangan of the Guild east.

Dear Chuck, Mona and all WGA colleagues,

The Writers' Guild of Great Britain Executive Council met today (Monday) and members were delighted that a deal is being recommended and the strike is likely to end within the next few days.

We salute the WGA, east and west, on the unity and discipline shown throughout a long and tough strike, resulting in a settlement which makes historic progress in the most important areas. You can be proud of your members and negotiators and of the deal you have reached.

The action by the WGA has inspired screenwriters and other trade unionists all around the world, and has had the excellent spin-off of increasing the profile and status of screenwriters everywhere.

We congratulate you and send you our warmest regards.

Bernie Corbett
General Secretary, Writers' Guild of Great Britain

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