Thoughts and Thanks from SAG Board Member Justine Bateman


SAG Board member and regular U.H. contributor Justine Bateman sends this open letter to all WGA members. -JA

To the WGA membership,

As you prepare to examine the proposed deal points and assemble for your meeting tonight, if the decision is made to continue striking, I will see you on the lines Monday. If you decide to recommend the deal to the membership at large for a vote and it is ratified, I stand beside you. Either way, I wanted you to know some things:

I want to thank you.

For sticking your finger in the dike and not allowing greed to smother all content creators.
For striking when you did and not allowing massive stockpiling to take place wherein SAG (along with WGA) would have had no leverage in June.
For picketing.
For holding your shit together within your ranks.
For United Hollywood and all its invaluable information within a virtual media shut-out.
For electing superior leadership and standing behind those choices.
For supporting an unbeatable staff while they were, I'm sure, stressed and exhausted.
For your excellent communication between Strike Captains.
For your incomparable wit and cleverness on the picket lines.
For your thoughtful, well-composed posts on blogs everywhere.
For your funny, moving videos.
For your maturity.
For letting me in.

I count my new friends of the last three months as some of the finest people I know. The people who make up the WGA are Cowboys. And I salute you.

Love and Respect, Justine

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