Tuesday Picket to Honor Spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King


"In order to realize the American dream of economic justice and of the brotherhood of man, men and women all over the nation must work for it."

Dr. Martin Luther King
Speech to the UAW 25th Anniversary Dinner, April 27, 1961

The following from WGA member and strike captain David Wyatt:

As many of you know, Dr. Martin Luther King was not only one of the greatest American advocates of civil rights, but also, of workers’ rights. In the spirit of Dr. King, we are having a MLK March at Paramount Pictures on Tuesday, January 22nd. All studio picketers are to report to Paramount. (Except for those who regularly report to NBC)

This is a critical time for us. The Board and Negotiating Committee both have meetings on Tuesday. We need a large turnout that demonstrates our strength and solidarity to show that the membership stands behind the WGA’s collective bargaining goals and our Negotiating Committee. Also, it is a great opportunity for members to discuss recent developments.

Instead of your usual picket of walking in circles at each studio entrance, in the spirit of Dr. King, we will have one continuous march around all of Paramount Studio the entire day. There will be banners with labor quotes of Dr. King. Everyone who has a red Unity wristband, please wear it. We are asking picketers to bring their drums, guitars, tambourines and American flags to add to the festive affair.

Members of the NAACP will be there in support of the strike.

Paramount Pictures, Tuesday, January 22, 2008
5555 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90028

Shifts: 6-9 am, 9-12 pm, 12-3 pm, 3-6 pm

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